Tombstone History Archives

 Chronicles of Tombstone's TurbulEnt Years

Excerpts from The Resources of Arizona


Excerpts about Cachise (Cochise) County from The Resources of

Arizona: Its Mineral, Farming, and Grazing Lands, Towns, and Mining

Camps; Its Rivers, Mountains, Plains, and Mesas; With a Brief Summary

of Its Indian Tribes, Early History, Ancient Ruins, Climate, etc. etc.

A Manual of Reliable Information Concerning the Territory. Compiled by Patrick Hamilton, Under Authority of the Legislature. Prescott, Arizona, 1881


[The text of The Resources of Arizona may be found in its entirety at,
in the University of Arizona Library's "Books of the Southwest" website.]




Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona:


Section 1. That Patrick Hamilton is hereby constituted and appointed a Commissioner to prepare, and cause to be published, reliable information upon the mineral, pastoral, agricultural, and other resources of the Territory; also, the cost and facilities of coming to the Territory, and such other general information as he may consider of value to capitalists desirous of investing in our mines, or to persons who may wish to immigrate to the Territory.


Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said Commissioner to collect and prepare the information aforesaid by January 1, 1882, and he is hereby authorized to contract for the publication of ten thousand copies, in pamphlet form, upon the most reasonable terms that the work can be done, provided that the cost of such publication shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500).


Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of said Commissioner to distribute said pamphlets in the cities and railroad centers of the Eastern States, and on the Pacific coast, in such a manner as will give them the widest and most useful circulation, and he shall furnish thirty copies to each member of the Eleventh Legislative Assembly.


Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Territorial Auditor, upon the completion of said publication, to examine the same, and if found in accordance with the provisions of this act, he shall give the said Commissioner a certificate, setting forth that the work has been performed according to law.


Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said Commissioner to keep a correct account of the number of copies of said publication distributed by him, and to whom, and such other information in connection therewith, as he may deem of interest, and to make a full report of the same to the Governor of the Territory on or before January 1, 1883, and the Governor shall transmit a copy of said report to the next Legislative Assembly.


Sec. 6. Said Commissioner shall receive as compensation, for the collection, preparation, and distribution of such information the sum of two thousand dollars.


Sec. 7. Upon the completion of said publication, the Commissioner shall certify to the Territorial Auditor the amount duefor said work and to whom; and the Territorial Auditor shall draw his warrant for the amount in favor of the person to whom the same is due, as shall appear by the certificate of said Commissioner; and the Territorial Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said warrant out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.


Sec. 8. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

J. F. Knapp, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Murat Masterson, President of the Council.


Clause 12 of the Appropriation Act, passed subsequent to the foregoing, enacts as follows:


Twelfth. The sum of four thousand five hundred ($4,500) dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the Commissioner selected to compile, publish, and distribute the pamphlet on the Resources of Arizona Territory, and the Territorial Auditor is hereby directed to draw his warrant on the Territorial Treasurer for the above amount, in favor of the Commissioner named in the act, and the Territorial Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said sum to said Commissioner out of any moneys in the Territorial Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in the manner provided for by the provision of said act.


Counties and Boundaries


Cachise county occupies the extreme south-eastern corner of the Territory. It was organized in 1881, from a portion of Pima county. It is bounded on the south by Sonora, on the west by Pima, on the north by Graham, and on the east by New Mexico. The massive chain of the Chiricahua runs through the county in the east, while the Huachuca, the Whetstone, the Dragoon, the Mule mountains, and the Galiuro ranges cross it from the north to south, in the west. All of these mountains are covered with pine, oak, and juniper, while the broad valleys that lie between, and the rolling table lands bear a generous growth of nutritious grasses. The San Pedro flows through the county from its southern to its northern boundary, carrying sufficient water to irrigate the rich and fertile valley that stretches along its banks. To the east of the Chiricahua range is the great valley of the San Simon, an immense extent of fine grazing land, with water to be found along its entire extent, within a few feet of the surface. The mountain ranges of Cachise are well watered, while the wonderful richness of their mineral deposits has attracted the attention of the entire country.


Chief Towns




Tombstone, the county seat of Cachise county, is one of those mining towns which has sprung into existence, as if by magic, from the discovery of the wonderfully rich ore bodies which surround it on all sides. A little more than two years ago, the site of the present town was a desolate waste; to-day an active, energetic population of over 6,000 souls gives life and animation to its crowded streets. The town is built on a mesa at the southern end of the Dragoon mountains, nine miles east of the San Pedro river, about seventy miles south-east of Tucson and twenty-eight miles south of Benson, on the Southern Pacific railroad. It is situated near latitude 31° 30′ north, and in longitude 110° west of Greenwich. The first house was erected in April, 1879, and since then its growth has been remarkable. Surrounded on all sides by immense bodies of rich ore, Tombstone presents the appearance of a typical mining camp in the full tide of prosperity. The town is built of wood and adobes. It contains many fine business houses, a large and commodious theater and public hall, four large hotels, two banks, and numerous private residences, displaying both taste and comfort. It contains four churches: Methodist, a handsome edifice, Catholic, Presbyterian and Episcopal. It has one public school, which is largely attended, and also a private academy, which receives generous patronage.


Tombstone is the center of an immense area of rich mineral territory. It has a large and growing trade with the adjacent mining camps, and with Sonora. Its mercantile houses carry heavy stocks, and do a thriving business. Tombstone has two newspapers, the Nugget and the Epitaph, published daily and weekly. The former is the pioneer journal of the camp, and in its general make-up and the ability displayed in its columns, is worthy of the generous support it is receiving. It is conducted by H. M. Woods. The Epitaph is a live, newsy journal, devoted to the vast resources of the Tombstone region, and has worked incessantly to bring those resources to the attention of the outside world. Clum & Reppy are its proprietors. Water is brought to the town in iron pipes from the Dragoon mountains, sixteen miles away. A project is on foot to tap the cool springs in the Huachacas, twenty-one miles distant, which would supply the town with pure mountain water for all time to come. Tombstone is at present one of the most active towns on the Pacific coast. New buildings are going up constantly, while rich discoveries are being brought to light in the vast mineral belt which extends in all directions. Its future growth and prosperity is assured, and it promises yet to rival the metropolis of the Comstock in its most prosperous days.




Charleston, in Cachise county, is situated on the San Pedro river, about nine miles west of Tombstone. At this point are located the reduction works of the Tombstone Milling and Mining Company. The town has four stores, two hotels, besides blacksmith shops, saloons, etc. It is on the main road to Sonora, and does a large trade with that State. The population of the town is about 300.




Galeyville is a lively mining town, situated on Turkey creek, on the eastern slope of the Chiricahua mountains. It is twenty miles south of the Southern Pacific railroad, and thirteen miles west of the New Mexican line. It has a beautiful situation, surrounded by groves of oak. The town was laid out in November, 1880, and has a population of about 400. There are six stores, four restaurants, two blacksmith shops, two feed and livery stables, three butcher shops, thirteen saloons; barber, boot and shoe shop, etc. The town is surrounded by a rich mineral belt, and promises to become a place of importance. The country in the vicinity has an abundance of wood, water, and fine grasses.


Mining Resources


Cachise County


In the fall of 1877, Mr. A. E. Sheiffelin, an active and industrious prospector, was stopping at Camp Huachuca. He made frequent trips into the hills now embraced within the limits of Tombstone, searching assiduously for “float” and “croppings.” Bands of renegade Indians roamed in the country east of the San Pedro at that time, and the whole region, which had once been the chosen ground of the famous Cachise and his band, was marked with the graves of white victims, who had been murdered within its “dark and bloody ground.” Sheiffelin was admonished that he would find a “tombstone,” instead of a “bonanza,” beyond the San Pedro, and would add another to the many who found bloody graves among its lonely hills. The indomitable prospector paid no heed to these warnings, and his pluck and energy met with their just reward. In February, 1878, he discovered the Lucky Cuss, Tough Nut, and other mines which have since attained a national reputation. In remembrance of the solemn joke, he named the district “Tombstone.” The great richness and extent of the new discoveries soon spread far and wide, and thousands rushed to the Silverado of the south-west. An army of prospectors swarmed over the hills, many other valuable discoveries were made, a city sprung up as if by magic, mills and hoisting-works were erected, bullion began to find its way out of the camp, and to-day, a little more than three years after its discovery, Tombstone can show a population of 7,000 souls, and is one of the most prosperous mining camps in the western country.


As near as can be ascertained, the mineral belt of Tombstone extends nearly eight miles east and west, and about five miles north and south. On the western edge of the district, along the San Pedro river, silver had been discovered as far back as 1859, but the hostility of the Indians prevented any development. The country in which the mines of Tombstone are situated may be described as a series of rolling hills, which have a gradual ascent until they merge into the Mule mountains on the south, and stretch away in an undulating plain to the Dragoon range on the north. The geological formation of the district presents many features worthy of study. Porphyry appears to be the predominating rock, though a capping of lime overlies the leading mines of the camp. Quartzite is found everywhere, and a granite formation is met with on the western edge of the district. As depth is attained, the surface lime disappears and porphyry and quartzite constitute the country rock. A notable feature of the Tombstone mines is the size of the veins and the ease with which the ore is reduced. The silver occurs as a chloride with very little base combinations, and can be worked by pan process, to 90 per cent, and upwards. The cost of extraction is merely nominal, and the facilities for reduction are all that could be desired. The present output of bullion is over $500,000 per month, from 140 stamps. This yield is being steadily increased, and valuable paying properties are being added to the list of bullion producers every month. It is estimated that the bullion yield for the present year will amount to $7,000,000. This is a good showing for a camp a little over three years old, which did not drop a stamp until June, 1879. The daily output of ore at the present time is about 500 tons. Fourteen of the leading mines have complete hoisting-works with the latest improved machinery. Water has been struck in several claims at a depth of between 500 and 600 feet, but the inflow is as yet very light, and no difficulty is experienced in getting rid of it. There are over 3,000 locations in Tombstone district. In this brief sketch there are doubtless many promising properties deserving of notice besides those mentioned, but space will not admit of a separate description of each.


The Tombstone Gold and Silver Mining Company own the Lucky Cuss, the East Side, Tribute, and Owl’s Nest. This group constitutes one of the most valuable properties in the district. The Tough Nut, the leading mine, is thoroughly opened by shafts, drifts, winzes, and open cuts. Immense ore bodies, sometimes 20 feet in width, are met with. The ore is found in spar and quartz, and is said to average $100 per ton. The company have two mills on the San Pedro, one of 10 and another of 20 stamps. It has paid dividends from the start, and has a large surplus on hand. This is the first organized company in the district. It employs about 125 men, and its production of bullion up to date, is said to be about $1,000,000. The Grand Central Company’s property is embraced in a claim 1500 feet in length and 600 feet in width. It is incorporated under the laws of Ohio, with a capital of $10,000,000, divided into 100,000 shares. It is a magnificent property. The vein is from 8 to 12 feet wide, and runs from $80 to $100 per ton. The main shaft is down 500 feet, with three levelsC500, 1100, and 600 feet, respectively. The reduction works consist of 30 stamps on the San Pedro, which are kept constantly at work. While only in operation a few months, it is estimated that $500,000 has already been produced. Regular dividends are declared, and the property is steadily increasing in value as depth is reached. The Western Company own the Contention, one of the first locations in the district, which has produced a large amount of bullion. The property joins the Grand Central on the north. The writer was not permitted to see the mine, and therefore can say nothing definite about its present condition.


The Girard has a shaft 400 feet in depth and a vein from 4 to 6 feet in width. The ore is of high grade and has milled $100 per ton. The property is incorporated in Jersey City with a capital of $2,000,000, divided into 200,000 shares. The company have put up fine hoisting-works and will soon have a mill in operation on the San Pedro. The Head Center embraces 1,300 feet in length and 500 feet in width. It is incorporated under the laws of the State of California with a capital of $10,000,000, in 200,000 shares. The vein averages from 4 to 8 feet, yielding about $70 per ton, about 45 per cent. of the bullion being gold. The company own a 10-stamp mill near Contention City. The main shaft is down 600 feet. The first level is 500 feet, the second 400, and the third 500. Hoisting machinery of the most improved pattern has been erected. The Vizina is incorporated under the laws of the State of New York on a basis of $5,000,000 and 50,000 shares. The mine is opened by three shafts, the deepest being about 400 feet. It is the intention of the company to erect a mill at an early day. Meanwhile the mine is being thoroughly opened. Over $200,000 has already been taken out from ore worked in a custom mill. Fine hoisting machinery has been erected, and the work of development is pushed forward steadily. The Empire is bounded on the south by the Sulphuret and the Girard. It is incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts. The main shaft is down 450 feet and has struck a large body of high-grade ore. A hoisting engine, with a capacity to sink 1,200 feet, has been put up, and this valuable property is being thoroughly opened. The Sulphuret adjoins the Empire and the Head Center. It is incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania. Its main shaft is down 600 feet. It has a fine location; has first-class hoisting-works, and is being opened in a systematic manner. The Bob Ingersoll, one of the most valuable claims in the district, shows 5 feet of ore that will mill $100 per ton. It has a shaft down 200 feet, and is steadily improving as it is being sunk upon. This mine is incorporated. The Sydney is a fine-looking property with a vein 12 feet wide, 4 feet of which is ore that goes from $50 to $100 per ton. The mine is owned by San Francisco parties. The Grand Central South has a shaft 250 feet in depth. It is a large vein adjoining the Grand Central, and is considered by many the coming mine of the camp. It is incorporated in San Francisco. The Tranquility joins the Empire and the Girard on the west. It has expensive hoisting-works, and is showing some very fine ore. None of the stock of this mine is on the market. The Flora Morrison is bounded on the east by the Grand Central. It is incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania; 250,000 shares, $2 per share. It has a shaft 300 feet deep, besides drifts, cross-cuts, and winzes, and is showing fine ore. The Way Up has a shaft 300 feet, and is producing ore of a high grade. It is incorporated in New York; 150,000 shares, $10 per share. The Lucky Cuss, one of the first locations in the district, has a shaft 300 feet, and over 500 feet of drifts and cross-cuts. It has produced some of the richest ore ever taken out in the camp, and yielded about $50,000. The Sunset, south of the Lucky Cuss, has produced over $50,000. The Wedge shows a vein 3 feet wide, of high-grade ore. It has a shaft 100 feet deep, which is steadily pushed downwards. The mine is incorporated. The Gilded Age adjoins the Goodenough, and embraces a large portion of the town site. It has one shaft down 100 feet, which has produced rich ore. The Mountain Maid has a vein from 2 to 4 feet, and runs from $50 to $300 per ton. It has 3 shafts, the deepest being 200 feet. Like the Gilded Age, it extends across the town site. Among the many other claims in the immediate vicinity of the town, may be mentioned the Cincinnati, Grand Dipper, Naumkeg, Hawkeye, Plum, Rattlesnake, Wide West, Topaz, Omega, Omaha, Alpha, Prompter, Sunrise, Parallel, Little Wonder, Revenue, Survey, Defense, and hundreds of others worthy of mention here if the space permitted. Many of these claims are steadily and surely developing into fine paying properties.


In the western portion of the district are several well-defined and valuable mines showing rich ore and large veins. The following are the most prominent: Owl’s Nest, carrying 3 feet of ore that goes from $50 to $80 per ton. This claim has 3 shafts, the deepest being 100 feet. It is owned by the Tombstone Mining Company. The Junietta has a 2-foot vein assaying $150 per ton. The deepest shaft is 100 feet. The Silver Bell has a shaft 50 feet, and carries ore worth $100 per ton. The Stonewall has a large ore body that has yielded $75 per ton. It has a shaft 120 feet. The Monitor is a 6-foot vein of free-milling ore, going $40 per ton, with a shaft 120 feet, in a granite formation. The Merrimac has 4 feet of ore that has milled $60. It has two shafts 60 feet each, and one 40 feet. Both these claims belong to the Monitor Mining Company, an Eastern incorporation. The True Blue is a 2-foot vein of $100 ore, with a shaft 200 feet. The Lucknow has a shaft 50 feet, and has ore that averages $50 per ton. The Delhi, Miami, Franklin, Randolph, Red Top, Argenta, Three Brothers, and many others, are in this neighborhood, and are well worthy of notice.


Three miles from the San Pedro, is another group of mines which are producing remarkably rich ore. The Bradshaw, in its bullion yield and development, is the best known of these claims. It is a large vein, carrying ore that works from $80 to $100 per ton. It has been sunk to a depth of 400 feet; has improved hoisting machinery, and has already produced nearly $50,000. It is owned by an incorporated company in San Francisco. A 10-stamp mill is nearly completed, and the mine promises to be one of the regular bullion-producers of the district. The Alkey is a 4-foot vein, producing ore worth $100 per ton. It has a 50-foot shaft. The Bronkow, the first location in the district, is a vein 6 feet wide. It has a shaft 60 feet deep. Continual litigation has retarded the development of this property. In this necessarily brief résumé, full justice can not be done to the immense silver veins of Tombstone district. The salient points only have been given; but to have a proper conception of the size, richness, and extent of the veins in this wonderful camp, a personal examination is necessary. It is safe to say that nowhere on the coast have there been found ore bodies larger, richer, or more extensive. There are hundreds of fine prospects as yet undeveloped, which give every indication of being valuable, and which offer admirable opportunities for investment.


California District is situated in the Chiricahua mountains, twenty miles south of the Southern Pacific railroad, near the New Mexican line. The country is well wooded, and water is abundant. A thriving camp has sprung up, and many rich and valuable mines have been discovered. The ores are generally smelting, carrying much horn silver. The veins are large and well defined. Its proximity to the railroad and its abundance of ore, make Galeyville one of the most promising camps in Cachise county. The following are among the leading mines of the district: The Texas, the principal mine of the camp and the first discovered, is a large vein from 4 to 30 feet wide. The ore is a galena and chlorides, and averages about $40 per ton. A shaft 300 feet, and 3 tunnels, 250, 30, and 40 feet, respectively, expose large ore bodies. A 30-ton smelter has been erected and is now fairly under way. The Texas Milling and Mining Company are the owners of the property, which includes ten other mines in the same group. The Continental shows 2 feet of ore, assaying $100 per ton, principally chlorides and bromides. It has a shaft 60 feet and a cut 30 feet. The Cashier shows 4 to 6 feet of ore, and assays from $30 to $200 per ton. There are many other claims in this district looking well and producing good ore, which must be omitted here, but which are well worthy inspection by those who are desirous of investing in desirable mining properties. Turquoise District.CThis district is situated about 18 miles north-east from Tombstone, at the southern end of the Dragoon mountains. There is plenty of water, and sufficient wood to last for years. The ores are smelting, easily reduced, and running from $40 to $300 per ton, with an average of about $80. The Mono mine shows a vein from 2 to 6 feet wide. It is a carbonate ore, which will smelt readily. Assays go about $80 per ton, on an average. The mine is opened by about 500 feet of shafts and drifts, and shows fine ore in every opening. It is owned by a New York company. The Defiance and the Dragoon claims are also owned by New York parties. The former shows from 2 to 20 feet of carbonate ore, which will average about $80 per ton. There are several hundred tons on the dump. Reduction works will soon be erected on this property. The Dragoon has a 60-foot shaft showing a 4-foot vein that goes about $80. The Bell is the south extension of the Defiance. It is a 4-foot vein, looking well. The Challenge and the Tom Scott are also very promising veins, with ore that goes $75 per ton. The Star and Bodie claims are two of the best properties in the district. The Star has a shaft about 60 feet deep, all the way in ore that runs about $60 in silver and $12 in gold per ton. The Bodie has a 70-foot shaft, with a 2-foot ledge that averages $80 per ton in silver. With its favorable surroundings and fine ore bodies, Turquoise is destined to become a prosperous camp.


Dos Cabezas or “Two Heads” district is situated in the Chiricahua range, in the north-eastern portion of Cachise county. Its ores are gold-bearing, carrying some silver, and its ledges are large. It is favorably situated near the line of the Southern Pacific railroad, and has plenty of wood and water. The following are the principal mines in the district: Silver Cave has three veins, 7, 5, and 3 feet wide, respectively. The yield per ton has been $35. Several shafts, drifts, and other openings have been made on this claim, and nearly $5,000 has been taken from it, the ore being worked in arrastras run by steam. The Juniper is a 6-foot vein, carrying gold and silver. The ore assays $150 per ton. About $6,000 has been taken from this mine, the ore being worked in arrastras. The Silver Cave South, has 4 feet of ore that assays $50 per ton and has several openings. The Galena Chief shows 3 feet of ore, assaying $50 per ton. The Murphy is a 4-foot vein, averaging $50 per ton. The Bear Cave has nearly 4 feet of ore that goes $80 per ton. The Greenhorn is also a 4-foot ledge, running $50 per ton. There are many other promising prospects in this camp well worthy of mention. With the erection of a 10-stamp mill, which is already on the road, Dos Cabezas will give a good account of itself.


Swishelm District.CThis district is situated in the Pedrogosa mountains, in the south-east corner of Cachise county. Its ores are a carbonate. The veins are large, and the facilities at hand for smelting, good. A St. Louis company is now operating in the district with satisfactory results.


Hartford District.CThis district is situated in the southern end of the Huachuca mountains. It has abundance of fine water, and some of the best pine timber in the Territory. Most of the lumber for Tombstone comes from this point. The ores are a copper and a carbonate of silver, assaying from $15 to $60 in copper, and from $20 to $80 in silver. Some very fine properties have been opened up. The Undine, Mountain View, Lone Star, and IXL, are the principal mines. Several sales have been made, and with the unsurpassed advantages of wood, water, and magnificent climate, Hartford district is certain to become an important mining center. There are several other points in the Huachuca range that show fine prospects, and also in the Whetstone mountains, west of Tombstone.


Copper.CBesides its veins of silver and gold, Cachise county has also some of the largest and most valuable copper mines to be found in the Territory. At Bisbee, some twenty miles south of Tombstone, are found some of the richest copper mines in the United States. The veins are large, the grade high, and the appliances at hand for reduction can not be excelled. The mines are about sixty miles from the railroad at Benson, and about twenty miles from the Sonora line. The Copper Queen, the leading mine of the camp, is an immense mountain of ore. It has been explored 160 feet in length by 150 in depth, and 120 feet in width, and as far as the explorations have extended, rich ore has been encountered everywhere. The claim is 1,500 feet long, and 600 feet wide. Two 30-ton smelters are kept running steadily, and the daily output is about 13 tons of pure copper. The ore is a carbonate and a black and red oxide, and averages about 22 per cent. The claim has been opened by 700 feet of shafts, drifts, and cross-cuts, and has already yielded over $600,000 worth of copper. The property is owned by an incorporated company, with headquarters in New York. The Neptune company own nine claims, the most prominent of which is the Neptune, which shows ore going 24 per cent. This company are making preparations to erect a smelter on the San Pedro river, fifteen miles distant. The Twilight shows a 6-foot vein of red oxides, carrying 25 per cent. pure copper, and is opened by a 70-foot shaft. The Holbrook has a 10-foot vein of red oxides, but has little work done on it. The Copperopolis shows a 5-foot vein and a 40-foot shaft. The Atlanta carries 25 per cent. ore, and is opened by a 45-foot shaft. The Copper King is the western extension of the Copper Queen. It is a large vein, showing good ore. The Golden Gate, Ohio, Copper Prince, Cave, New York, Galena, Garfield, Bounty, Black Jack, and Dreadnaught are all fine prospects, although but little work has been done upon any of them. Bisbee, besides its immense copper veins, has silver and gold also. It is one of the most eligibly situated camps in Southern Arizona, and has a bright future before it.


Agriculture and Grazing


The agricultural resources of this county are confined to the valleys of the San Pedro and the Babocomari. The former stream rises in Sonora and flows through Cachise and Pinal counties into the Gila. The valley of the San Pedro, in its upper course, is sometimes a mile in width, and the soil is of an excellent quality, capable of raising all kinds of grain and vegetables. That portion of the valley near the line of Sonora is claimed by a “grant,” and is devoted entirely to grazing. No figures have been received as to the number of acres under cultivation and the grain yield of this county.


How to Get to Arizona


To reach Southern Arizona from the East, at the present time, the shortest and most direct route is by way of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad. This line begins at Kansas City, Missouri, and, passing through Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, unites with the Southern Pacific at Deming, 1,149 miles from Kansas City; fare $74, first class. From Deming to Benson, twenty-eight miles from Tombstone, it is 173 miles; fare, $17 30. Daily stage lines run from Benson to Tombstone; fare, $6. From Deming to Tucson it is 219 miles; fare, $21 90Cthus making the distance from Kansas City to Tombstone 1,340 miles, and to Tucson, 1,368 miles. Sleeping-cars are run on this route, and passengers have every comfort found in railroad traveling. The time from Kansas City to Tombstone or Tucson is about three days.


To reach Northern Arizona from the East, the traveler takes the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe line to Albuquerque, New Mexico. At this point the Atlantic and Pacific railroad strikes westward, on the thirty-fifth parallel, through Northern Arizona. This road is completed as far as Brigham City, in Apache county, 280 miles from Albuquerque. The fare from Kansas City to Albuquerque is $53. Persons desirous of visiting Northern Arizona will find stages at Brigham City, or at the end of the track, to convey them to Prescott and the principal points in Apache, Yavapai, and Mohave counties. Brigham City is about 180 miles east of Prescott, but the railroad is advancing at the rate of more than a mile a day, and the track will be 50 miles north of the capital of Arizona by the first of July, 1882. Prescott is distant from Kansas City 1,368 miles.


To reach Arizona from California, or the Pacific coast States or Territories, the quickest route is by the Southern Pacific railroad. To North Arizona by this line, the traveler has the choice of two routes from Yuma, by steamer up the Colorado, or by rail to Maricopa. Below we append a table of distances and rates of fare by this route to the principal points in the Territory, from San Francisco:


Aubrey, Mohave countyCSouthern Pacific railroad to Yuma, 731 miles; river steamer, 255 miles; fare, $65.


Benson, Cachise countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, 1,024 miles; fare, $58.


Casa Grande, Pinal countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, 913 miles; fare, $52.


Castle Dome, Yuma countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, to Yuma, 731 miles; river steamer, 22 miles; fare, $49.


Florence, Pinal countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, to Casa Grande, 913 miles; stage, 22 miles; fare, $57.


Globe City, Gila countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, to Casa Grande, 913 miles; stage, via Florence; fare, $72.


Mineral Park, Mohave countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, to Yuma, 731 miles; river steamer to Hardyville, 300 miles; stage, 43 miles; fare, $75.


Pantano (station for Harshaw), Pima countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, 1,006 miles; fare, $57; by stage to Harshaw, 50 miles.


Phœnix, Maricopa countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, to Maricopa, 887 miles; stage, 35 miles; fare, $55.


Prescott, Yavapai countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, to Maricopa, 887 miles; stage, 150 miles; fare, $75.


Tombstone, Cachise countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, to Benson, 1,024 miles; stage, 31 miles; fare, $62.


Tucson, Pima countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, 978 miles; fare, $55.


Wilcox, Cachise countyCSouthern Pacific railroad, 1,064 miles; fare, $60.


The fares quoted above are first class. The local rate charged by the Southern Pacific in Arizona is ten cents per mile. From the foregoing it will be seen that all the principal points in Arizona can be visited from the East or the West quickly and comfortably; giving the traveler choice of rail, river, and stage routes through the Territory.


Contributed by Phyllis Eccleston


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